Health & Medical Medicine

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Pharmainfonia: Here, pharma means- manufacturing of drug in pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical drug. Info means- information, here information is drug information, nia means- bright. So, here content smart information about drug, drug manufacturing process, drug source, drug chemical properties, drug use, drug chemical structure, drug doseage form, drug side-effect, drug adverse effect and drug related all smart information with image or picture. We know drug is a chemical substance that's effect on central nervous system and is used in the treatment, prevention, cure or diagnosis of disease that improve physical and mental condition. Here content smart info of pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology, physiology, anatomy, biopharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, cosmetology, microbiology and other subject related information.  We know health is wealth. So health mean that the metabolic efficiency of living body and generally mean that to be free from pain, illness or injury. WHO says about health that a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Here content smart information about human health that have to know as a gentle man or women.

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Difference between validation and calibration:

  The Differences Are Now Below-
                 1. Calibration is the determination of accuracy of instrument by reference standard where validation is a documented program(It is a predetermined criteria) that provides high degree of assurance of a specific process, method or system that consistently produces a result that is predetermined result.
                 2. In calibration performance of an instrument or device is comparing against a reference standard where no such reference standard are using in validation program.
                 3. Calibration ensure that instrument or device produce accurate result where validation ensure documented results of a process, equipment, method or system that produces consistent result.(in other words it ensure that uniform batches are produced).
                 4. Calibration will be performed by calibration SOP where validation will be performed by validation protocol.     Difference between QC and QA   The Differences Are Now Below-
                 1. Quality Assurance focuses on quality monitoring where Quality Control focuses on testing analysis of product.
                 2. QA is process related where QC is product related.
                 3. QA is preventive process whereas QC is corrective process.
                 4. QA is for entire life cycle where QC is for testing part in SDLC.
                 5. QA makes sure you are doing the right things the right way where QC makes sure you the results of what you've done are what you expected.  

So, this site pharmainfonia is very much effective or helpful for pharmacy, medical, biochemistry, biopharmaceutics, microbiology students whose are studing in various university in our global villege. From this site students can take smart information and can note for their syllabus topic. This site also helpful for general people for get smart health information for care of their health.  So you can visit daily this health site, here gradually update smart info post about health.  To know for more info just click below link

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