Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Entertainment News, the World of News and Jokes

The Ardent Hindi news lovers have always been a fan to the Hindi jokes and the entertainment news which are included in the Hindi news to attract the audiences. The Hindi People are the ones with good sense of humour so the Hindi jokes are popular worldwide. Most of the Hindi jokes are woven around sardharji character.

social networking site, word of mouth information, movie reviews and also through popular papers of the region. It also tells a lot about the music, current trends and the technologies involved in different upcoming movies. Entertainment news also has a lot of gossips and behind the screen incidents of celebritiesSardharji is the fictional character used traditionally in Hindi jokes. Well, here is a translation of a famous Hindi joke 'Once a Sardar asked his gardener to water the plants in his garden and the gardener said that it's raining outside so can't water the plants'.' For that Sardar replied 'So what take an umbrella and water the plants'. Sardar have always used a mockery character to address the dumb people.

The Entertainment always finds a significant place in all Hindi news. Most of this is about the top celebrities in the Hindi entertainment industry. Clearly, there is a very wide variety of entertainment me, shown and published in all popular media. Predominant of entertainment gives the information about the latest ongoing movies in Hindi film industry, the all ravishing Bollywood. The reviews and response of the movies also occupy an important place in all Entertainment news. Most of the people decide to watch a movie based on the entertainment and reviews available in websites, social networking site, word of mouth information, movie reviews and also through popular papers of the region. It also tells a lot about the music, current trends and the technologies involved in different upcoming movies. Entertainment news also has a lot of gossips and behind the screen incidents of celebrities. These gossips and information interests a lot of people because they want to remain updated about the entertainment industry. Entertainment is the topic treated as an ice breaker by the most of the people to start a conversation with the neighbours and people they meet newly in their everyday life.

Listening and reading Hindi jokes and entertainment news are considered as the favourite pastime of all young people especially for the people in the age group of 15-25. These two topics are always treated as trending topics for conversation by college students and teenagers. Entertainment news also carries the information about the personal life of actors and actress which is treated as the strategy to woo the audience in the Media industry.

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