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What Makes A Good Cover Letter?

Writing a good cover letter is not a difficult process once one learns how. The difficult part of a good cover letter is not falling prey to cover letter templates or boring sample cover letters. Even though these cover letters are simple to find, and easy to customize (just fill in the blanks!), they are the worst remedy to a stressful situation. "Okay," you say, "but how exactly do I write this good cover letter?" Unfortunately cover letter writing is not a skill that most school systems put an emphasis on. In fact, I am unaware of any institution, other than Universities which offer career centers, which give any sort of education on how to write an effective cover letter. Thankfully there are only a few things to remember when it comes to writing a good cover letter.

One of the key elements to writing a good cover letter is the first sentence. It should be a strong sentence, and grasp the reader's attention, and then should keep building. It is also important to address a good cover letter to the actual individual that is overseeing hiring for that position. This may require a little research, but it will be worth it in the end. Once the first paragraph has the hiring manager's attention, it's all downhill.

The second part of a good cover letter is the paragraph which sells the job-seeker. This should be a carefully worded, concise paragraph that contains aspects of personality and expands on job experience. The point of this paragraph, in a good cover letter, is to let the hiring manager know what the company will reap if they are chosen. The hiring process is tedious for all parties, so the hiring manager wants to ensure the person they take on is the right individual. So in a good cover letter, a hiring manager has to be positive of that. Also, a good cover letter should make a connection with the hiring manager and get them to want to meet an applicant for a job interview in order to find out more.

We're almost to the end now. A good cover letter is going to contain a request for an interview. This is something that most cover letters leave our. Asking for an interview, coupled with effective writing, make the perfect combination of a good cover letter. Be sure that all contact information is easy to locate on the cover letter, and specify what is the best method of contact. Also, another aspect to a good cover letter is a statement of follow-up. Let the hiring manager know to expect a call, e-mail, or letter touching base with them again. This is a good way to show enthusiasm and motivation.

The icing on the cake for a good resume is a post script (P.S). This part will sum up the entire cover letter in one or two sentences. There should be another affirmation of the interview request and a pleasant parting phrase. While a post script is not a required part of a good cover letter, just like any good cake, it is something additional which will make it standout from the other cover letters and applicants. It can also be a good idea to use the P.S to inform the hiring manager of any additional papers which are in-closed. For example, many positions request salary requirements or references when a job-seek applies for a job. By using the P.S in your good cover letter to state what is attached, it lets the hiring manager know you followed through with that request, and if any of the papers are lost in the great shuffle, then they know to re-request them.

Finally keep in mind that one does not have to spend money to hire professionals, or seek advice from experience individuals, in order to create a good resume. Everything one needs is right here. Job hunting can be frustrating, but by providing an employer with a good cover letter, it is going to increase the positive response to inquiries. There are several other free services, including the University career centers I mentioned earlier, which will provide assistance with writing a good cover letter.

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