Health & Medical Depression

Natural Depression Treatment And The Real Causes Of Depression

Carl Jung managed to discover the real meaning of the dream language and the power of the unconscious psychotherapy.
However, the world couldn't understand and follow his complicated, obscure, and time consuming method of dream interpretation.
Only a few souls could follow his steps.
I was one of them.
Only after translating many dreams for many people for two decades could I simplify his complicated method of dream interpretation Many people ignore how powerful the dream messages really are, and this is why they don't believe in their importance.
They are used with interpretations based on suppositions, which cannot help the dreamer in any way.
The scientific translations are totally different from the interpretations based on suppositions.
They respect the meaning given by the divine unconscious mind to the images that compose the dream.
The dreamer understands that the dream messages come from a superior mind.
The unconscious mind is God's mind.
This is why you can absolutely trust the information you have in dreams.
The scientific translations accurately translate God's words, giving you precious information and guidance you couldn't have otherwise.
Thanks to this information you understand the origin of every problem.
I will give you an example by talking about the case of a relatively young married man, who was deeply depressed and couldn't understand why.
His wife was pregnant.
He loved his wife, and he was glad because they would have a child.
He was happy with his job and his house.
He couldn't understand why he had suicidal thoughts.
He told me that he would try dream therapy because he had many nightmares and he couldn't rest at night.
However, he didn't seem to believe in the power of this treatment.
He asked me how he could know that my scientific interpretations were describing the meaning of the dream, and not my personal opinion.
I told him that he could learn the dream language himself, and better understand my professional translations.
Later, he would have this knowledge always helping him, besides being able to verify that the dream images have a specific meaning.
I have to remember the meaning of the dream symbols in order to translate the meaning of a dream.
Every image has a meaning given by the dream producer; the unconscious mind.
I told him that he could verify that my translations were based on the meaning of the dream symbols already known.
This is why translating the meaning of the dream language is exactly like translating the meaning of a simple language made only by words, with the difference that the dream translator must translate images into words.
The dreamer told me that he had no intention to be my student.
I explained that he didn't need to learn the dream language.
He could simply submit his dreams for professional translation and understand how to solve his problems.
After submitting two short dreams for translation, he understood why he was depressed.
His attitude completely changed.
While in the beginning he was suspicious and indifferent, when he saw how brilliant the dream messages were, he became very interested on the meaning of his dreams.
I cannot tell you many important details about this case because I must respect the dreamer's privacy.
I will only mention the fact that many men have feelings of weakness like women who suffer from postpartum depression.
Many men are afraid of their responsibilities as fathers, even though this fear is usually visible only in mothers, who become depressed when they understand that they must take care of their children for life.
This is a heavy obligation that many people cannot bear, even though they theoretically like the idea of having a child, and even though they have the financial conditions to raise their children without problems.
This fear is caused by many unsolved psychological problems, and many mistakes made by the dreamer in the past.
Dream therapy is a fast and clear depression treatment that shows you exactly why you are depressed and what you have to do.
Most people solve their basic problems in 8 moths of psychotherapy.
However, there are people who need more time because they have many psychological problems.
The therapy can take 3 years, but you start feeling better after the initial 8 months of dream therapy.
This is the shortest and the safest treatment you can have.
If you will become a dream translator yourself by studying my lessons, you don't need a dream translator, but if you have serious problems, you should submit your dreams for professional translation.
You can learn the dream language with time.
You may believe you know the reasons why you are depressed, but the real causes cannot be understood without real knowledge.
You think based on your suppositions, and based on the suppositions of the world.
Therefore, you believe in erroneous concepts, lies, and distortions of the truth.
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams cures your psyche based on wisdom and sanctity.
By analyzing the meaning of your dreams you will be able to find out how you came to the point of being affected by depression.
The unconscious mind shows you the truth as it is.
You stop believing in illusions.
You learn how to solve your psychological problems, and better organize your life.

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