Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Change Your Feelings Or Your Attitude With Dynamic Re-Patterning

What is the value of the following article? The re-patterning exercises and information can change your life, your feelings or your fears, and your attitude if you are willing.
Be willing is the key to your success.
How do I know, because this is how I overcame many challenges in my life.
Overcoming challenges is how you can raise your self-esteem.
WHAT IS EDU-K? Educational Kinesiology teaches specific movements of the body that can improve mind function.
It uses techniques such as re-patterning, which is the integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain through specific movements; stress release techniques; and balancing the energy/meridian system of the body.
The two brain gym exercises I want to share are renamed from emotional stress release points from Touch for Health to Dr.
Paul Dennison's Positive Points & Cook's Hook Up, and now I will rename them "Change Your Feelings Points" and "Connect Your Energy Circuits".
"Change Your Feelings Points" 1.
Take a break for 3 minutes and go where it is quiet.
Close your eyes and look upward at a point between your eyebrows and tell yourself to relax.
Lightly hold the points about an inch above your eyebrows for 1-3 minutes.
These points bring gentle energy to your frontal lobes where rational thought is available without emotional distractions.
These are the neurovascular balance spots for the stomach meridian in Chinese Medicine.
Thus the tension you experience is eased and decreases a nervous stomach.
"Connect Your Energy Circuits" 1.
Sit in a chair.
Cross your left leg over your right leg so that the ankle is over your right knee.
You grasp your left ankle with your right hand.
You put your left hand around the ball of your left foot.
You sit in this position, taking 3 deep into your belly breaths.
You put your tongue against the roof of your mouth on inhalation.
Relax the tongue as you exhale.
After 3 minutes uncross your legs 7.
You can let the finger tips of your hands touch together.
You can continue to breathe deeply and exhale twice as long as you inhale.
If you are more comfortable to begin put your right leg over left leg and so on- This was invented by Wayne Cook, an expert in electromagnetic energy and enables you to activate all the Chinese acupuncture meridians into a more balance and harmonized state.
As Dr.
Paul Dennison wrote "Excessive energy to the receptive (right or back) brain can manifest as depression, pain, fatigue, or hyperactivity.
" This figure eight pattern that the body makes when doing this exercise; is a benefit to transform the emotional stress and help learning difficulties.
Personally, I have consistently used these exercises after attending one of the original seminars in the early 80's.
I have had amazing breakthroughs myself and so have my daughters along with many others that I have helped in my clinical private practice.
Thus, I urge you to do them and do them consistently each day.
You can look at it adopting an attitude that it is like playing.
So have some fun with these two life changing exercises.

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