Health & Medical Diabetes

Is Diabetes Reversible?

First, lets draw the line between reversible and curable. Diabetes Mellitus is a reversible disease, but it is not curable. Diabetes is a medical condition of elevated blood sugar causing different signs and symptoms affecting the cardiovascular system, kidneys, nerves, liver, and other important organs of the body. It becomes reversible when a person is known to be at risk of acquiring the disease but then does not end up having the disease because he was able to manage his risk factors. If you have been identified to have a family history of diabetes, obese, from Hispanic descent, a woman, and other risk factors for diabetes, you still can reverse diabetes.

Below are some key points to consider if you believe you have or at risk of having type 2 diabetes:

  • Have regular blood sugar tests. Normal blood sugar is 70-80 mg/dl before meals and below 120 mg/dl one or two hours after a meal. There are different tests to measure blood sugar levels, but the most definitive test for diabetes is the hemoglobin A1C Test.

  • Regularly consume a healthy diet. A diet low in carbohydrates is commonly prescribed for patients with high risk for diabetes. The logic is pretty simple, carbohydrates is broken down into glucose or sugar. High risk individuals should eat more of green leafy vegetables, poultry meat rather than red meat, fish, and high fiber breads.

  • Exercise regularly. Exercise helps in utilizing sugar in the body and prevents them from accumulating in the blood. It also helps in stimulating insulin sensitivity so the cells can effectively use sugar for energy production.

  • Lose Weight. If your weight is above normal, its time to shed some pounds. Engage yourself in a weight management program.

  • Avoid unhealthy habits. Alcoholism, smoking, and drugs can aggravate your risk factor for diabetes. These unhealthy habits will help in acquiring diabetes faster.

If you are constantly watching out for your blood sugar levels and doing everything to keep it within normal ranges, you wont have any problem on reversing diabetes. Risk factors just mean that you have more chances of having the disease. It doesnt mean that you already have the disease, and you still can do something about it.
So when does diabetes become irreversible? When you start to feel any of the signs and symptoms of diabetes like increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet, blurring of vision, and skin dryness, thats the time. Remember that diabetes is an incurable disease. So, dont wait for diabetes to become irreversible. Reverse it when you still can.

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