Type 1 Diabetes Information
There are several forms of Diabetes mellitus; Gestational, type 1, and type 2.
Type 1 Diabetes formerly known as juvenile Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes irreversible damage to insulin producing beta cells.
It occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to produce enough insulin to control blood sugar levels.
The body's immune system actually attacks its own cells.
Without enough insulin glucose builds up in the blood instead of being absorbed into the cells.
The cells need the glucose to produce energy and this deficiency causes increased appetite.
Also the high blood glucose levels cause more frequent urination.
With the glucose building up in your bloodstream it can cause serious damage to your organs.
Normally diagnosed in children and young adults this disease has no cure.
Diet and exercise also have relatively no effect in prevention, but do help in preventing the onset ofhypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
The only way to treat it is with insulin injections or a pancreas transplant.
Also keeping constant track of your blood sugar levels, taking frequent insulin injections or receiving it through a pump, and watching what foods you eat.
There is no known cause but the American Diabetes Association research reports that genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors could be involved.
Some signs and symptoms are extreme tiredness and fatigue, frequent urine production, increased thirst, blurred vision, unconsciousness, and breathing problems.
As with all forms of Diabetes complications do occur if not properly managed or treated.
The short term complications include hyperglycemia , hypoglycemia, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
The long term complications are as follows: kidney damage, nerve damage, heart disease,osteoporosis, cuts and blisters can turn into serious bacterial infections or fungal infections, skin conditions and damage to the eyes that can lead to blindness.
These complications can be prevented with the right treatment and careful management of the disease.
Proper diet and exercise and regular insulin injections can help you to live a very close to normal life free of complications.
Taking care of your self can greatly reduce your risk of complications which can be lethal.
Diabetic supplements can also be a big help in treating Type 1 Diabetes and preventing other forms of Diabetes To Find out more about Diabetes, diabetes diet plans, and supplies visit my site.
Type 1 Diabetes formerly known as juvenile Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes irreversible damage to insulin producing beta cells.
It occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to produce enough insulin to control blood sugar levels.
The body's immune system actually attacks its own cells.
Without enough insulin glucose builds up in the blood instead of being absorbed into the cells.
The cells need the glucose to produce energy and this deficiency causes increased appetite.
Also the high blood glucose levels cause more frequent urination.
With the glucose building up in your bloodstream it can cause serious damage to your organs.
Normally diagnosed in children and young adults this disease has no cure.
Diet and exercise also have relatively no effect in prevention, but do help in preventing the onset ofhypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
The only way to treat it is with insulin injections or a pancreas transplant.
Also keeping constant track of your blood sugar levels, taking frequent insulin injections or receiving it through a pump, and watching what foods you eat.
There is no known cause but the American Diabetes Association research reports that genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors could be involved.
Some signs and symptoms are extreme tiredness and fatigue, frequent urine production, increased thirst, blurred vision, unconsciousness, and breathing problems.
As with all forms of Diabetes complications do occur if not properly managed or treated.
The short term complications include hyperglycemia , hypoglycemia, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
The long term complications are as follows: kidney damage, nerve damage, heart disease,osteoporosis, cuts and blisters can turn into serious bacterial infections or fungal infections, skin conditions and damage to the eyes that can lead to blindness.
These complications can be prevented with the right treatment and careful management of the disease.
Proper diet and exercise and regular insulin injections can help you to live a very close to normal life free of complications.
Taking care of your self can greatly reduce your risk of complications which can be lethal.
Diabetic supplements can also be a big help in treating Type 1 Diabetes and preventing other forms of Diabetes To Find out more about Diabetes, diabetes diet plans, and supplies visit my site.