Recovery Begins After The Best Treatment Centers Finish.
If someone you love is suffering from alcoholism, you may be looking ahead to the day when they will be freed from the illness. While that day can come, all of you in the family need to be aware that getting there may take longer than you hope. You have probably sought counseling, attended meetings and spent time in the best treatment centers available, but dont expect the problem to go away just because everyone is working hard at it. Alcohol, or addictions treatment, is a long and continuous process.
Its hard work
After a stay in any kind of hospital, no matter what type of illness needs treating, it is always true that the in-hospital treatment is only the beginning. The best treatment centers that you can find, like the best hospitals, can only give the patient a new start. The healing begins afterwards, and as is true for many other diseases, takes a lifetime of work to maintain.
Treatment is only the beginning
This is not meant to dishearten you, but it is meant to encourage all of you in your family not to give up hope, or to relax the recovery process. Not even the best treatment centers have the ultimate pill, or therapy to cure a disease such as alcoholism that can be on-going and changing. The centers can treat the disease where the patient needs it right now, and it can provide a lot of valuable skills and tools to help with the recovery process, but sadly, treatment does not finish the job once and for all.
A fresh start
After leaving even the best treatment center, the patient will be able to start life again. He or she will be sober and will have gone through the most physically difficult parts. They have detoxed, and have learned to manage the cravings. At best, treatment centers have given them a fresh start psychologically, as well as physically, because at the center counseling will begin and some of the root causes of the addiction will start to be explored.
A painful process
Opening up some of the pains that led to addiction can be very difficult, and this work continues after treatment. It can be one of the biggest challenges and can make maintaining sobriety difficult, but the recovery more successful as these issues are worked through. However, opening up to buried, unresolved issues such as past traumas, abuses, and low self-esteem. It will be difficult, so the best treatment centers will have sent the patient home with a plan of recovery to work on, because the painful memories and feelings can trigger the desire to drink.
The end result of it is that even after spending time at the best treatment centers available, there is still work to do. The treatment center should be available to help with ongoing counseling, treatment plans and support. It is a life-long process but you can do it if you work on it together as a family, as a team. People wind up relapsing when they forget to be diligent and start taking the treatment for granted. Treatment really works best when it is taken one day at a time.
Its hard work
After a stay in any kind of hospital, no matter what type of illness needs treating, it is always true that the in-hospital treatment is only the beginning. The best treatment centers that you can find, like the best hospitals, can only give the patient a new start. The healing begins afterwards, and as is true for many other diseases, takes a lifetime of work to maintain.
Treatment is only the beginning
This is not meant to dishearten you, but it is meant to encourage all of you in your family not to give up hope, or to relax the recovery process. Not even the best treatment centers have the ultimate pill, or therapy to cure a disease such as alcoholism that can be on-going and changing. The centers can treat the disease where the patient needs it right now, and it can provide a lot of valuable skills and tools to help with the recovery process, but sadly, treatment does not finish the job once and for all.
A fresh start
After leaving even the best treatment center, the patient will be able to start life again. He or she will be sober and will have gone through the most physically difficult parts. They have detoxed, and have learned to manage the cravings. At best, treatment centers have given them a fresh start psychologically, as well as physically, because at the center counseling will begin and some of the root causes of the addiction will start to be explored.
A painful process
Opening up some of the pains that led to addiction can be very difficult, and this work continues after treatment. It can be one of the biggest challenges and can make maintaining sobriety difficult, but the recovery more successful as these issues are worked through. However, opening up to buried, unresolved issues such as past traumas, abuses, and low self-esteem. It will be difficult, so the best treatment centers will have sent the patient home with a plan of recovery to work on, because the painful memories and feelings can trigger the desire to drink.
The end result of it is that even after spending time at the best treatment centers available, there is still work to do. The treatment center should be available to help with ongoing counseling, treatment plans and support. It is a life-long process but you can do it if you work on it together as a family, as a team. People wind up relapsing when they forget to be diligent and start taking the treatment for granted. Treatment really works best when it is taken one day at a time.