Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

What Causes Baldness in Women?

Baldness in women can be caused by a lot of factors ranging from hormones, diet, drugs, cosmetics, disease and age.
We are going to look at each of these factors and hint on how they may cause baldness.
Hormones in the body play a crucial role in cellular activity and function.
Hormonal levels in the body have to be regulated if any action causes them to surge or decrease rapidly the body responds in many ways some of which may include loss.
Certain hormones are involved in the synthesis of keratin in hair.
When these hormones are affected such that their levels decrease rapidly loss will be the result.
Certain female products such as contraceptives can affect hormonal balances of the body leading to loss.
Most women are very concerned with the way they look.
They become so consumed in shedding excess weight so much that they end up limiting the amount of nutrients they take into their bodies.
As a result they starve their bodies of certain nutrients and minerals which are essential for hair growth.
This eventually starves hair follicles such that they start to shrink resulting in loss.
Certain drugs especially therapeutic drugs have side effects among which include loss of hair.
Drugs used for treating cancer can cause loss.
This is so for cancer drugs kill cancerous cells, however as they do so, they sometimes kill normal cells which can result in destruction of hair follicles leading to loss and balding.
When patients withdraw from such drugs at the end of chemotherapy hair growth usually returns back to normal.
Cosmetics are one of the most leading causes of loss amongst women.
Women apply cosmetic products such as hair relaxers, dyes and curl activators.
Hair relaxers attack chemical bonds on hair strands so that they can be straightened and curls be removed.
Other chemicals cause the hair strands to come together by removing certain bonds so that the curls.
Other products such as dyes alter hair color by bleaching the color produced by melanin.
All these chemicals make hair strands become weak and at times promote dryness of the hair.
This will make the hair develop split ends which make it more prone to breaking.
In the end more hair is shed from the hair everyday resulting in baldness.
Certain diseases especially the infectious diseases can cause hair loss.
Hair loss in the presence of such diseases is usually the result of toxins that are released by the pathogens of the disease.
These toxins end up accumulating in the scalp where they will kill hair follicles leading to baldness.
However, when these diseases are treated normal hair growth may resume.
Age is one of the most unavoidable processes which cause hair loss in women and even in men.
With advanced age the body begins to slow down in function.
Hair follicles stop producing melanin, keratinocytes start to falter and hair loss increases.
The rate of hair loss supersedes the rate of hair replacement, thus leading to baldness.

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