How to Connect to a Home Electrical Wiring Panel
- 1). Open the door panel to the main service panel and turn the main power breaker to the off position. Unscrew and remove each of the screws in the corner of the panel door. Remove the door and set it and the screws aside.
- 2). Punch out one of the knock out holes in the bottom of the service panel.
- 3). Measure up from the floor 18 inches, directly below the service panel (assuming you are installing an outlet on that wall), and mark the measurement. Line up the top of the outlet box with the mark and trace the shape of the box on the wall. Using a saw, cut along the trace to form a hole just large enough for the outlet box to slide into.
- 4). Feed the wire down through the hole in the service panel and out the hole for the outlet box. Leave two spare feet of cable in the service panel and six inches hanging out the hole for the outlet. Cut away any excess wire.
- 5). Strip 10 inches of outer sheathing off the end of the wire in the service panel and six inches off the end for the outlet. This will reveal three wires inside, two insulated (black and white) and one bare. Strip one inch of insulation off of ach insulated wire at both ends.
- 6). Locate an open slot for the 110-volt circuit breaker. Plug the circuit breaker into the slot by pushing the two U-shaped clamps on the bottom of the breaker down onto the pins inside the service panels slot until they lock into position.
- 7). Connect the panel end of the cable to the breaker. Connect the black (hot) wire to the brass screw on the breaker, the white (neutral) wire to the neutral bus strip and the bare wire to the grounding strip. Replace the service panel cover door and tighten it down with the screws.
- 8). Punch out a hole in the back of the outlet box. Feed the wires through the back hole and out the front. Slide the outlet box up to and inside the hole in the wall. Attach the box to the wall using the included screws in the kit.
- 9). Attach the wiring underneath each screw and tighten them down on the wires. Attach the black wire to the brass screw, the white wire to the silver screw, and the bare wire to the green screw on the outlet. Push the wiring back into the box, and line up the top and bottom holes of the outlet with the holes on the box and insert a screw into each and tighten them down. Attach the cover plate to the outlet with a screw.
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Turn the main circuit breaker switch and the new 110-volt breaker to the open position. Plug in a light to the outlet and test for power.