Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Cure Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, also known as CTS, develops when the median nerve supplying the hand is compressed at the wrist region (carpal tunnel) which causes lots of pain. This tunnel is roofed by the transverse carpal ligament and floored by the wrist bones and this tunnel is very narrow.

Nine flexor tendons and the median nerve go through this canal. The space in this canal becomes smaller if any one of the flexor tendons become inflamed which results to the compression of the nerve.

Hand numbness and tingling sensation are experienced because of this nerve suppression. Do not ignore these symptoms as they will not disappear unless properly treated. You must seek your doctor's advice for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Your health care provider will advise rest if the disease is discovered early. To prevent the progression of the disease, modifying your daily activities will be advised by your physician.

In some occasions you will be required to put on a wrist brace at night when you sleep, as almost all individuals tend to sleep with their wrists flexed. The brace is to maintain the wrists in an unbent position while the individual is sleeping.

Cortisone shots, fluid tablets or anti-inflammatory medications are other options that your health care provider may advise you to take. A physiotherapist, who is trained to utilize exercises to manage physical impairments, or an occupational therapist, who evaluates individuals with physical disabilities and assist them in building skills to improve well-being, can also assist in the treatment of your carpal tunnel syndrome.

To minimize pain and inflammation, cortisone injections into the wrist can be administered. If the numbness and pain of the hand do not stop, non-steroidal inflammatory drugs are used.

In situations where there is fluid retention involved which aggravates the swelling in your wrist, the doctor may advice you to take fluid tablets. Although it is not known how this supplement works, Vitamin B6 has also been known to decrease the symptoms.

Although their effectiveness remains unproven, the acupuncture and chiropractic care have also worked on some patients. There is one exception which has been known to decrease pain and increase the grip strength among patients and that is yoga.

Ineffective conservative managements and drugs will aggravate the condition. For a chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, that has progressively worsened, surgery will be advised.

Before you go ahead with the surgery, you must speak with the doctor about all the issues like whether or not the surgery is done under local or general anesthesia. Advise your doctor of any herbs, vitamin, mineral or supplements you are taking. Some of these supplements may react with the medications used in surgery.

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