Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Write a Paper on Sonography

    • 1). Select a topic within the field of sonography that interests you. You have many options from which to choose, including the definition of sonography, the history of sonography or the career opportunities for ultrasound technicians. In some cases, a professor, teacher or grader might might already provide a subject for you.

    • 2). Find information on the subject you have chosen. Depending on the required length of your paper, you might need several reputable sources that provide support for the topic you have chosen. For your main topic, choose three to ten subpoints that you would like to discuss in detail (the number of subpoints varies depending on the required length of the paper). To choose subpoints, you can follow this example: If you decide to write on the history of sonography, that is your main topic. Your subtopics could be the origin of sonography, the popularity of sonography and the state of sonography today.

    • 3). Develop a thesis for your paper. A thesis is one sentence that states what your entire paper will be about. A thesis should be clear and complex enough to encompass all major points of your paper.

    • 4). Write an introductory paragraph for your paper. This should include less specific information that the rest of the paper and generally does not need to incorporate any researched sources. You thesis should come toward the end of the introductory paragraph.

    • 5). Write the body of your paper. Incorporate your subtopics into paragraphs and use the information on sonography that you have researched to support the claims, observations and analyses that you make throughout the body.

    • 6). Write a conclusion for your paper. The conclusion should summarize the main points of your paper and demonstrate that your thesis has been addressed by the body of your paper. Proofread your paper for grammatical errors and inconsistent content; then, print your paper.

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