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How To Start An Income Generating Blog From Scratch

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood meaning is the meaning of blogging. Sure, you could say it is the definition of writing about yourself.

My first introduction to blogging began when I actually found out that blogging is one way to grow just about anyones sphere of influence. In a sense, you could call it making friends with other like-minded individuals.

1. An Exciting Opportunity In The Making

Yes, imagine that you have a bagel store and you want to start a blog about everything bagels. For more details From kneeing the dough, mixing different spices to acquite a certain flavour and then baking it at a certain temperature.

Now, you have a blog which attracts other skilled bagel store owners too. They start giving you feedback about how you should kneed the dough, mix with other ingredients and set a range of temperature for different textures.

What do you think this means to your passion or in the business you are involved in? Precisely. You get to expand your horizons in just about anything. An exciting opportunity indeed!

2. Setting A Good Schedule To Work On

Firstly, you will need to decide on some kind of blogging schedule for yourself. Maybe you wake up later than 10am or earlier than 6am. It does not matter.

Some bloggers get up at 4am to start their 'blogging day'! So, set a schedule or daily routine even though you use it for personal entertainment so that you can grow your sphere of influence. Its about making some money right?

3. Turning Your Blog Content To Cash

We're getting a little deeper here but I just can't do justification if I left this hanging in the air. Most bloggers actually think that setting a blog up with some useless discussion about dogs or cats are profitable.

Yes, well you will get a penny here and there but in reality you will someday have to write good content that appeal to a set of buyers. For more details People who are looking to solve a problem. Preferably some problem you know how to solve.

Wow, we've gone a little further than just an introduction to blogging here but I hope you do get the gist. The point of starting anything even a blog has to have a solid purpose to it so that your time is put to good use.

About The Author:

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Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

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