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How to Build Square Wood Fence Posts

    • 1). Measure the 1x6 lumber to length. Each fence post is made up of four pieces of lumber, each cut as long as the fence posts will be high. After the lumber is cut to length, use the miter saw to cut opposing 45-degree angles into the edges of the lumber.

    • 2). Wet one 45-degree angle cut on each of two pieces of lumber with the carpenter's glue. Press the angled edges together to form a 90-degree angle, then nail the boards together along the glued edge with the hammer and nails. Allow the glue to dry completely to form the first section of the fence post.

    • 3). Glue and nail the two pieces of lumber together to form a 90-degree angle, then nail these two pieces together along the glued edge as you did with the first two. Allow the glue to dry as before, to form the second section of the fence post.

    • 4). Wet the remaining 45 degree angle cuts of the first and second sections with carpenter's glue. Set the second section on top of the first section so that the 45-degree angle cuts are joined for a square post. Nail the two sections together at the edges. Place the copper fence cap on the top of the post and secure the cap with one nail on each side.

    • 5). Dig a hole for the fence post. Set the square fence post in place, backfill the hole with dirt or with concrete as desired. After all the fence posts have been set in place and after the concrete footing--if used--has cured, use a string and a hanging level to ensure the level placement of the fence's mounting hardware on the fence post.

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