Health & Medical Anti Aging

What Causes Age Spots? Arm Yourself With the Power to Heal and Prevent

Age spots is certainly a somewhat misleading name to attach to the dark skin pigmentation that becomes more prevalent with old age.
So, exactly what causes age spots? These dark areas on the skin don't actually have all that much to do with aging.
What causes these blemishes is sun exposure.
Yes, unfortunately it's all those care free days basking in the sun that's coming back to bite you.
Care should be taken from a young age While age spots are without a doubt common in older people, they can frequently be found in people as early as their late twenties and thirties in cases where the person has seen significant sun exposure and have sensitive skin.
Naturally they're most common on the areas of the body that normally see a lot of sun, like the shoulders, face, arms and hands.
Once again it's our old friend ultraviolet (UV) rays that's the root of the problem.
As your skin gets more and more sun exposure, more than the normal dose if pigment is deposited in the skin.
Years later, this eventually leads to the brown areas that we know, among other names, as age spots.
The good news is that they're harmless, but it's always a good idea to have a doctor examine any spots on your skin.
Skin cancer can start out looking like harmless dark blemishes.
Treatment These blemishes can be treated in a variety of ways.
So if you really don't like them, you can do something about it.
The most important thing you need to do is to take precautions when in the sun - always use sun block.
If you don't have them yet, good.
Keep slapping on that sunscreen.
Dermatologists recommend using sun block with an SPF of 15 or more to help prevent these spots from forming or getting even darker.
Age spots can be bleached by topical treatments, and there are also harsher dermatological treatments available, which is not recommended for everyone and should only be considered after proper consultation with a dermatologist.
Even after these procedures, you'll still need to take the necessary precautions and in many cases still use a topical treatment for best results.
If you have blemishes that you'd like to get rid of, your first step from here is to find a safe, natural cream that you can apply daily to start fading those dark spots.

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