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Take a Group to South Florida for Grouper Fishing

Epinephelus itajara is better known as grouper! Grouper, the delicious fish you find on high priced seafood restaurant menus, is also called Goliath Grouper, southern jewfish, blackbass and giant seabass among other names. The grouper caught while enjoying fishing charters in Naples, FL is actually found as far south as Brazil. Goliath Grouper or jewfish are protected species in Florida and cannot be harvested at this time. But there is a plentiful supply of other types of Florida grouper you can fish for and should if you want a great fishing experience.

You fish for grouper in shallow waters up to about 150 feet in depth. This fish likes to hang out among the rocks where it is perfectly camouflaged. It also enjoys lounging on muddy bottoms and among the coral where the fish can actually look like a piece of dark coral. The fish is solitary and has an area where it stakes out its home and there it lives. It can get aggressive when it believes its home territory is being threatened.

Powerful Bait Snatching Snap!

Grouper has a solid broad head and solid body. Dorsal fins are continuous. The color of the fish is fairly dark as brownish yellow and olive are common colors. The fish has faint vertical bars and has some small spots located on its body and fins. Goliath likes to feed on shrimp, crab and other crustaceans. They also eat small fish. The powerful jaws of the grouper are good at catching food with a single snap and the grouper then eats its catch whole.

The fishing charters in Naples, FL know grouper is a prized fish because its a hard fighter making for plenty of fishing excitement. In fact, South Florida has some of the best grouper fishing you can find anywhere in the world. The delicious white meat fish makes a delicious meal which is why expensive restaurants offer grouper as a delicacy.

To fish for grouper, you must use heavy tackle because of the power of the fish jaws and its body. The grouper aggressively snaps at bait it thinks is prey and it can strike hard and fast. At the moment the grouper takes the bait, it will swallow it whole and then retreat to its sanctuary.

Luring the Grouper Out of the Rocks

Bottom trolling for grouper in waters up to 25 feet can net you a big grouper as long as you are using 60 to 80 pound test line. With some live bait and the right location, slow trolling usually brings results. The captain of the fishing charter n Naples, FL can take you to the hot spots where it's known grouper like to hide out. It's important to have plenty of tackle because you will be trolling among the rocks hoping a big grouper will run out of its hiding spot to nab the bait.

Fishing for grouper offers plenty of fun to anyone who is looking for challenging fishing that can result in a great tasting dinner! Take a group grouper fishing and find out for yourself how enjoyable this type of fishing can really be when you rent one of the fishing charters in Naples, FL

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