Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions


A group of American geneticists, in collaboration with scientists from other countries has identified five new genetic mutations that occur in Ashkenazi Jews. The presence of these mutations leads to the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are four times more likely than other populations affected by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (Crohn's disease). The study was published March 8 in the online edition of the Medical PLoS.

The discovery is the first step towards trying to explain why Ashkenazi Jews is so susceptible to this dangerous disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic granulomatous process that can damage different parts of the intestines - from the mouth to the rectum. Most often affects the final section of the small intestine and / or colon. The disease can develop at any age, but most patients are young people aged 15-35 years. The groups at risk include smokers, the relatives of a person suffering from some form of inflammatory bowel disease, as well as Ashkenazi Jews. The gene responsible for predisposition to Crohn's disease Ashkenazi, who until recently was unknown.

The most common are the following symptoms: cramping, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, pain and swelling of joints, swollen gums, skin ulcers, and in some cases - inflammation of the eye.

For the first time the disease in 1932, described an American gastroenterologist, a member of the New York medical center, "Mount Sinai" Berill Kron.

A group of scientists, led by Professor Peter Inge, a geneticist at the "Mount Sinai", set a goal to identify genetic factors influencing susceptibility to the Ashkenazi Jews of Crohn's disease.

Studies conducted earlier, was installed 71 genetic risk factor identified primarily among Jews of Eastern European origin. Researchers compared the genomes of 1878 Ashkenazi Crohn's disease and 4469 healthy people of similar origin. Thus, the research team was able to identify 12 previously known genetic factors, as well as to identify the number of new risk factors.

"We had the most extensive study of risk factors sick syndrome, Crohn's, - says Peter. - This disease is most often diagnosed in Ashkenazi Jews, so the study of genetic mutations in this ethnic group will help us understand the cause of the disease. "

"Mount Sinai" - one of the leading scientific and medical centers in the USA, investigating diseases of the digestive system. At the present time there is observed a maximum in the country the number of patients suffering from diseases of the intestine.

In the first stage treatment of Crohn's disease is usually conservative and aims at facilitating the external symptoms. In more severe cases the patient may be indicated resection of the damaged segment of the intestine.

Patients must follow a diet because certain foods can cause bloating and diarrhea. Aggravate the disease to a large extent can be stressful.

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