Home & Garden Architecture

How to Seal Asphalt Tiles

    • 1). Sweep the floor with a household broom and gather the sweepings up with a dust pan. Use a vacuum to clean corners and along baseboards, so that no dirt or dust is mixed into the sealer during application.

    • 2). Pour floor sealer into a disposable paint tray. Dip a sponge mop into the sealer and spread the sealer over the surface of the asphalt tile. Be sure the first coat of sealer is spread evenly over the entire surface. Allow it to dry for 30 to 60 minutes.

    • 3). Apply one to three more coats of sealer to ensure that the tiles are adequately sealed.

    • 4). Apply more than four total coats of sealer if you desire a high--gloss finish over the tiles.

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