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I love fishing. That is one reason I do this fishing site. Fishing articles, fishing pictures, fishing stories, fishing chat and fishing discussions are here.
I have been fishing since I was knee-high to a frog, and fishing has been a big part of my life every since those early fishing trips.

Right now bass fishing is what I do most. I am in two bass fishing clubs and fish a tournament every other weekend 12 months of the year.

I have fished for bass in many places and have caught largemouth, smallmouth, spotted bass, shoal bass and Coosa bass.

For many years I fished for crappie every spring and winter, helping keep my parents' freezer full. Dad liked to fry fish and the 90 gallon propane tank hooked up to his fish cooker indicated how much he used it. We fished for crappie with minnows and jigs, and it was some of the most fun fishing I have ever done.

Fishing for catfish was a lot of fun too. We would put out trotlines and bank hooks and catch cats at night for food while fishing for bass during the day and releasing them. Fried catfish is a good reason to go fishing.

Bream fishing was an early part of my life and a bream was probably the first fish I caught when fishing as a child. They are still fun and I love fishing in my pond for bream using ultralight fishing equipment.

I hope you enjoy fishing as much as I do and this fishing site gives you pleasure, too. You should be able to find something about fishing you like here.

Let me know what you think about this fishing site and what you enjoy about fishing.

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