Health & Medical Acne

Natural Acne Treatment - Proven and Effective Tips to Get Rid of Acne Once and For All

Natural acne treatment involves very affordable, not to mention readily available ingredients, most of which you can find at home.
Acne is everyone's nightmare.
Everyone dreams of having a clear blemish free skin, and having acne is like the last thing someone would have in mind.
Not only is it a skin disorder, it also affects one's self esteem and confidence.
But fret no more.
It is possible for your acne to go away, the cheapest possible, natural way.
I should know.
I am speaking from experience so let me share to you how I dealt with it.
When I was in my late teens, that's when I have acne breakouts, at least mine was the mildest type.
But just the same, it affected how I dealt with other people especially those who I noticed have better skin than I have.
I feel embarrassed, sometime to a point of just wanting to stay home and go nowhere.
I then went to see my dermatologist and she prescribed milk.
I tell you this changed my life.
What you do with milk is get a clean, very clean cloth, and moisten and dip it in milk.
Whatever kind of milk is acceptable.
Since I am a cheapskate, I opted to get the cheapest alternative which is the evaporated milk.
Now after moistening the cloth, dab it lightly on your face, concentrating on the T zone which would be the forehead, around the nose and upper lip area, and of course the entire face as well.
Leave it there for at least 15 minutes.
After say five minutes, you would notice that it is tightening, kind of like having a mask.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water and mild soap.
You would feel the difference.
You'd feel your skin so supple and clean and clear.
It also softens the acne.
This is ideally done before leaving for work and before going to bed.
Continue until you want to.
Well, as for me, I have been doing this for 6 years now.
It has worked wonders.

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