Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Building Blocks Unlock the Gateway to Your Child"s Imagination

With all the fancy electronic games on the market, who would expect children to still play with building blocks? The most basic of the classic toys, wooden blocks still appear in the majority of kid's bedrooms and playrooms around the globe.
Thirty or Forty years ago, building blocks were very basic.
Most were simple geometric shapes or just square alphabet blocks.
Some schools had large pieces to create towers and buildings the size of a child, but sets made for the home were pretty standard.
These days it seems that the types of blocks on the market are endless.
Toddlers are not the only ones who enjoy playing and constructing with these classic toys.
Blocks come in sets still as basic as square ABC blocks, or as elaborate as architectural blocks shaped to create specific buildings, pyramids, and temples.
While toddlers and preschoolers are not the only ones to play with blocks, there are certainly plenty of sets geared toward their age group.
Some sets are colored and shaped like animals.
Some fit perfectly into a little wooden wagon to be sorted and arranged and then towed around.
Some even have clear centers that contain colored sand or beads so that they make new colors when placed next to each other and make noise when shaken or knocked over.
Another type of blocks for little ones are the matching blocks.
These are cubes with different picture halves on each side.
When one is placed next to another cube with the other half of the picture to complete the scene, the block makes a sound! These help to teach children matching skills and to learn cause and effect.
Another classic made for little ones are the nesting blocks.
This style of block is a cube open on one side.
In these sets, no two blocks are the same size.
There are many blocks each with pictures on its sides, one side open, and each a little smaller or larger than the next.
They can either be piled on top of each other to create a tower, or placed one inside of the other so that they are all nested inside the largest block.
Never fear, while there are many types of building blocks for toddlers and preschoolers, there are many more for bigger kids.
The architectural block sets are amazing.
They come in sets to build specific structures such as pyramids, Mayan temples, Russian style buildings.
medieval castles, the capitol building in Washington, middle eastern style structures, building styles you may find in Asia, and many more! Some contain an array of shapes for children to create any style building they can dream up.
The next time you are searching for the perfect gift for that special child in your life, before reaching for the latest electronic toy, check out the wonderful world of building blocks.
You might find more than just a toy.
You may discover the gateway to your child's imagination!

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