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Ask That Special Girl Out on a Date

Asking a girl out can be a daunting task.
You think she is really nice and hot, too.
There is definitely an attraction on your part.
The problem is you're shy and you have been rejected before.
How should you go about asking her out? The first thing you need to when asking this girl out is to get her alone.
Isolate her from her friends.
If she is around a group of friends, ask her if you can speak to her alone.
Most likely she will say yes.
Do not ask her out over the phone it is too easy to say no.
Now hold your head high, shoulders back and approach with confidence even if you have none.
Look directly into her eyes and giver her compliment.
Make it something simple for example, "you look nice today" or "that shirt matches your beautiful eyes.
" Keep it simple.
She is alone now and this has made her feel special.
It is now time to ask.
My suggestion is to ask her a general invitation, "would you like to go out sometime?" This leaves the time open and gives less chance for rejection.
If she says, "yes" now you can ask for a specific time or date.
The pressure is off here because you know she wants to go out with you.
If she says, "no" it is time to move on at least until tomorrow.
After a little while has passed ask her out as friends especially if she used the line, "I just want to be friends.
" This will get your foot in the door.
Ask her out as friends for a pizza or something.
Many times the best relationships start out as friends.
Good Luck.

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