Quick And Long Term Fixes To Get Rid Of Blackheads, Pimples, And Acne
Are you needing some quick fixes to help you get rid of blackheads and pimples on your face? Well here are a few things that might be able to help you.
- Quick fixes:
- Concealer: Concealer is a quick fix to help you reduce the sight of your blackheads and pimples, but will not get rid of it.
- Oxy, Neutrogena, and other facial cleansers: These on-shelf products will be able to get rid of teen acne, but not necessarily adult acne.
I would consider using these methods if you do not have a huge amount of blemishes, just a few here and there.
That should do it. - Rubbing alcohol: Rubbing alcohol will dry out your pimples and get rid of the bacteria inside them.
Acne usually starts out as blackheads, and when infected turn into whiteheads which can become inflamed and irritated.
So applying a small amount on blackheads that could potentially turn into pimples may be able to help prevent them from happening. - Nose Strips: Nose strips can help get rid of the annoying little blackheads on your nose quickly and efficiently.
But, these do not work for everyone.
Especially if your blackheads are of larger proportion.
It may only remove part of the blackhead leaving more room for dirt to creep in and cause an infection, leaving a huge whitehead on your nose. - Keep your hands away from your face: Many people touch their face feeling for pimples and blemishes, and quite often ending up popping them, and this is a big mistake.
Not only does popping your zits leave scars, they spread the infection to other parts of your face.
And if you are popping them, that means that the oils from your hands are getting onto your face, which then clogs your pores causing infection, and when mixed with you popping your pimples you then create acne.
NOT a smart idea.
So keep your hands away from your face unless they are washed.
- Long-term fixes:
- Exfoliating: Exfoliating is a great way to scrub out your pores and will help greatly to get rid of blackheads.
If you do this everyday during your daily cleansing routine, it will help keep blackheads and pimples away. - Chemical Peels: Chemical acne peels are a great way to get rid of acne.
They have become a very popular because they are quite efficient, and repetitive treatments will help tremendously towards the removal of your acne.
You must go to your doctor to have this done. - Water: Drinking lots of water helps to cleanse your skin of oils and toxins.
You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day while usoing other cleansing methods.
This should make your acne clear up quickly. - Acne Diet Systems: I find acne diet systems to be the most effective way to get rid of acne.
By changing certain things in your diet, and drinking lots of water, you will be able to keep your pimples and acne away for good.
When I suggest acne diets, I do not mean drink only water and eat salads kind of diet.
These diets just tell you what kind of foods to stay away from, or at least to eat them in moderation, what kind of vitamins and other supplements that will help you, foods that can help fight the root cause of acne, and so on.