Healing Powers of Music
- Whether it is the soft and soothing sounds of classical or nature's music, or the fast beats of a rock band, music can help lessen the effects of stress and help with relaxation. Music can wake you up or help you fall asleep.
- Music is used in conjunction with pain management and helps patients take the focus off the pain. Hospitals and dentists use music along with anesthesia, as music also has a sedative effect.
- Music therapy often involves drumming, strumming, and tapping. These movements help a person release conflict and inner stresses. It is a form a self-expression and helps overcome shyness.
- Kristen Stewart, a music therapist at Beth Israel Hospital in New York, practices the use of soft beating drums with premature babies. The soothing beats mimic a mother's heartbeat and helps the preemies sleep, which is essential for growth in these little ones.
- Music helps a person exercise longer and harder. When used in physical therapy and rehab, it can take the focus off of underlying aches, pains, and fear.
- Music therapy has been successfully used for Alzheimer's patients, children with learning disabilities, in drug addiction programs, mental institutions, schools, halfway houses, and hospices.