Glow Sticks: Why campers are using them
When you go camping the next time around with family and friends don't forget to carry glow sticks with you. Now campers across the world depend on various camping gear, Light Sticks included. The reason they are so reliable is because they are tough, light, and reliable to tag on for the needs of camping, especially when one goes into deep forests or caves. Remember those movies where a bunch of teenagers and young adults are lost and the lights from their kerosene aided stoves go for a toss in the middle of nowhere leaving them in the lurch, well that could be you, so don't make a mistake by not carrying these glow ticks to help you around.
With high intensity micro levels on each of the Glow Sticks, it is also used by the US Armed Forces as well as the Navy. Customers place huge demands for these items since it helps them on their trips and some of the Light Sticks can be used to flashes of around a 1000 feet in depth.
The best thing about the Glow Sticks is that one can double it as a key chain as well by removing the micro light, the caps used in these sticks is waterproof so don't worry about the weather conditions or the wet terrains you would camping in. For trailing, the Light Sticks are used as a substitute to flash lights which demand fuel and constant energy. Divers prefer them as well since they are light, tough and durable, so even if they by mistake hit rocks or are hit by large species which come visiting, the glow sticks would remain as they are and not disappoint the diver.
The Light Sticks float and the buoyancy is neutral and hence can stay below water bodies for a longer period of time. The features included in Glow Sticks are one mile visibility, durability, floatation enabled, waterproof, high power, low power, strobe signal, mode shockproof, spot beam and more to name a few. So when you have these babies around you know that you are very safe and would enjoy every moment amongst nature.
With high intensity micro levels on each of the Glow Sticks, it is also used by the US Armed Forces as well as the Navy. Customers place huge demands for these items since it helps them on their trips and some of the Light Sticks can be used to flashes of around a 1000 feet in depth.
The best thing about the Glow Sticks is that one can double it as a key chain as well by removing the micro light, the caps used in these sticks is waterproof so don't worry about the weather conditions or the wet terrains you would camping in. For trailing, the Light Sticks are used as a substitute to flash lights which demand fuel and constant energy. Divers prefer them as well since they are light, tough and durable, so even if they by mistake hit rocks or are hit by large species which come visiting, the glow sticks would remain as they are and not disappoint the diver.
The Light Sticks float and the buoyancy is neutral and hence can stay below water bodies for a longer period of time. The features included in Glow Sticks are one mile visibility, durability, floatation enabled, waterproof, high power, low power, strobe signal, mode shockproof, spot beam and more to name a few. So when you have these babies around you know that you are very safe and would enjoy every moment amongst nature.