Technology Electronics

How to Build a Bubble Wall

    • 1). Attach a suction cup to the protruding tip of each spherical bubble stone. Make sure to stick the cup to the tip that doesn't have a hole in it. Do this with each sphere.

    • 2). Attach a suction cup to each end and then to the center of the rectangular bubble stone. Make sure, again, not to attach them to the stems that have holes in them. These holes are where the tubing goes.

    • 3). Anchor the rectangular bubble stone into the bottom center of the backside of the aquarium. Stick the suction cups to the inner glass of the back of the aquarium to secure it into place.

    • 4). Place a spherical bubble stone to each end of the rectangular bubble stone. Anchor them into place with the suction cups.

    • 5). Insert one of the opened ends of the junction into the provided outlet in the aquarium aerator pump.

    • 6). Measure the distance from the bottom inside of the aquarium, to the location of the aerator pump. Cut 5 lengths of clear rubber tubing to match the length of the distance.

    • 7). Insert a tube into each available junction outlet. Many junctions provide 6 outlets.

    • 8). Insert the free end of each tube into the provided outlet of each bubble stone. The spherical stones present one outlet each, the rectangular bubble wall presents one at each end and one near the center. Larger lengths of bubble stone (24 inches and larger) present more outlets.

    • 9). Push the power button on the aerator pump and allow it up to 10 minutes to fully gain the momentum needed to provide air to all of the bubble stones. Within a few minutes a literal wall of bubbles will flow up the back wall of the aquarium.

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