How to Light a Tunnel
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Consider pedestrians when lighting a tunnel.Bob Haswell/Valueline/Getty Images
Consider the the tunnel's use. For traffic tunnels, you need to take lighting control into consideration so drivers are not forced to adjust their eyes drastically. Drivers need lighting sources on the ceiling and the upper sides of the tunnel. If the tunnel is for pedestrians only, lighting on the ceiling will suffice, but consider placing lights on the walls of the tunnel as well so pedestrians can have more light on the ground next to and in front of them. - 2
Measure the tunnel.Jupiterimages/ Images
Measure the tunnel's length to determine the amount of lighting you will need. Determine the best location for lights considering the main traffic source of the tunnel. Draw up plans by yourself or with a project team depending on the size of the tunnel lighting project. - 3
Notify the proper authorities if construction means shutting the tunnel down.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Install lights in the tunnel, referring to the plans you made. If this process requires shutting down traffic to the tunnel, notify the police department. If you can light this tunnel without causing a major disruption, keep safety in mind and section off the construction area accordingly. - 4). Test the newly installed lighting for the tunnel during the day and at night and adjust it as needed.
- 5). Check the tunnel regularly to ensure the lights are still functioning. If fuses blow or lights go out, either fix them yourself or ask a maintenance person to do the work for you.