Strawberry Plant Details
Strawberries are easily recognizable by virtually every person around the world.
The bright red berries are a delight to the taste buds and eyes alike.
While everyone knows one if they see it, many gardeners desire to understand the fruits and vegetables they grow on a deeper level.
For the hardcore gardener, scientific information is required.
How can you be a horticultural expert if you do not know the appropriate terminology to use when engaged in dialog with other expert green thumbs?! So, for the individual who wants to plant strawberry plants along with their veggies and herbs, this information will be useful when researching or discussing the plants with highfalutin and/or erudite gardeners.
The regal strawberry hails from the Plant Kingdom (Plantae).
Its Subkingdom is Tracheobionta, which means it is a vascular plant.
Its Division is Magnoliophyta since it is a flowering plant; its Class is Magnoliopsida since it is a dicotyledon; its Subclass is Rosidae; and its Order is Rosales.
Surprisingly enough, its Family is Rosaceae (the same Family as the common rose), meaning it is closely related to those fragrant flowers.
Additionally, the Genus of the strawberry is Fragaria, and there are over 20 distinct strawberry species.
The strawberry plant grows in the wild on every continent except for Antarctica.
Its adaptability helps it survive.
It does, however, prefer cooler temperatures and thrives either in the temperate zones around the globe or at high elevations where it is cooler.
If you find a wild strawberry in non-temperate, hotter regions around the globe, you will likely find them growing only high on mountains where they will not get scorched by the heat.
The bright red berries are a delight to the taste buds and eyes alike.
While everyone knows one if they see it, many gardeners desire to understand the fruits and vegetables they grow on a deeper level.
For the hardcore gardener, scientific information is required.
How can you be a horticultural expert if you do not know the appropriate terminology to use when engaged in dialog with other expert green thumbs?! So, for the individual who wants to plant strawberry plants along with their veggies and herbs, this information will be useful when researching or discussing the plants with highfalutin and/or erudite gardeners.
The regal strawberry hails from the Plant Kingdom (Plantae).
Its Subkingdom is Tracheobionta, which means it is a vascular plant.
Its Division is Magnoliophyta since it is a flowering plant; its Class is Magnoliopsida since it is a dicotyledon; its Subclass is Rosidae; and its Order is Rosales.
Surprisingly enough, its Family is Rosaceae (the same Family as the common rose), meaning it is closely related to those fragrant flowers.
Additionally, the Genus of the strawberry is Fragaria, and there are over 20 distinct strawberry species.
The strawberry plant grows in the wild on every continent except for Antarctica.
Its adaptability helps it survive.
It does, however, prefer cooler temperatures and thrives either in the temperate zones around the globe or at high elevations where it is cooler.
If you find a wild strawberry in non-temperate, hotter regions around the globe, you will likely find them growing only high on mountains where they will not get scorched by the heat.