How Do a Steam Room & Sauna Differ?
- There are several important differences between a sauna and a steam room. Both may be used for therapeutic purposes, but one should always consult a physician or health professional before using either.
A sauna is a wood-paneled room or small enclosure that provides dry heat from a wood or electric stove. The stove heats special rocks, which emit the heat. Sometimes, water is poured over the hot rocks to provide a small amount of steam, but the vapor is temporary.
The temperature in a sauna usually ranges from 160 to 200 degrees F and may be controlled from a thermostat. The humidity level is very low (5 to 30 percent).
Steam rooms provide moist heat that is emitted from a water-filled generator pumping steam through small vents. The temperature in a steam room usually ranges from 110 to 114 degrees F with humidity at 100 percent. - The general use of both a sauna and a steam room is to perspire, which opens pores and cleanses the outer layer of skin. Sitting in either a sauna or steam room can relax the muscles, make the body feel warmer, and in most cases, lower pulse rate and blood pressure by causing the blood vessels to dilate.
Also, sweating in a sauna or steam room may help remove a buildup of salts in the system. Sweating in saunas, however, does not cause weight loss. Any weight lost through excess sweating is quickly replenished with water or food intake. - There may be risks involved with use of a sauna or a steam room. Dehydration is possible, so one should drink plenty of water before and after use. Staying too long in a sauna or steam room is not healthy, as pulse rate and/or blood pressure may drop too quickly.
There also is risk of coming in contact with infection-producing germs, such as athlete's foot or fungal infections. Wear open footwear (like sandals or flip-flops), and use a towel or absorbent robe.
Women who are pregnant or people who have serious medical conditions, such as heart disease, epilepsy or hypotension or hypertension, or those who are taking medications for a condition, should avoid use of a steam or sauna.