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How to Lose Abdominal Fat - This Works Every Time

Fat around the stomach...
this is an area of frustration for many people.
There is a genetic tendency for most people to retain fat in this area.
It is usually the last area to respond to fat burning efforts.
Here is the good news: If you want to learn how to lose abdominal fat, there are very specific methods that will make your job easier.
Fundamentals of Burning Abdominal Fat: Do Your Cardio Make sure you do your cardio sessions for at least 30-60 minutes.
If you do it less than 30 minutes you will primarily be buring the stored up carbs in your body.
It also helps to do cardio on an empty stomach.
This insures that your body is burning fat as the main fuel source.
Lift Weights No, you don't have to become a bodybuilder or live in the gym.
Even an extra 5 pounds of muscle will do wonders for boosting your metabolism...
and a fast metabolism means you're burning belly fat around the clock (even while sleeping.
) Eat More Often What? Yes, I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but there is a sound scientific reason for this: SKipping meals or starving yourself puts your metabolism into survival mode.
It slows way down and causes you to retain fat.
Eating several small meals per day boosts your metabolism considerably.
Bodybuilders have been doing this successfully for decades.
They do very little cardio and eat a lot of food, but their body fat percentages are very low.
Study and Follow the Habits of Natural Bodybuilders These guys only follow methods that have been proven to work over the decades.
When it comes to learning how to lose abdominal fat, these are the experts.
Again, there is no need to become a bodybuilder...
just follow the same basic fundamentals they do, and you can't go wrong.
Losing abdominal fat doesn't have to be an uphill battle.
If you adapt these methods to your daily routine, you will get predictable fat burning results every time.
You'll lose fat in even the mushiest, most stubborn spots!

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