How to Test Metal for Gold
- 1). Remove the black test stone, usually referred to as a touchstone, from the gold test kit. Move the stone back and forth on the gold piece being tested. Continue until the gold leaves a visible streak on the stone that is 1 to 1 1/2 inches long.
- 2). Remove the 10K acid solution from the gold test kit. Put 1 drop of the solution on the streak on the stone. If the streak dissolves, the object is less than 10K gold or is not gold at all. If the streak, remains the gold is 10K or greater, so proceed to the next step.
- 3). Remove the 14K acid solution from the test kit. Follow the same procedure from Step 2. If the 14K acid solution dissolves the streak on the stone, the object is less than 14K. A streak that dissolves slowly, leaving rust-colored particles, is probably 12K gold. If the streak is still intact, the object is 14K or greater. Proceed to the next step.
- 4). Remove the 18K acid solution from test kit, and follow the same process. If the streak dissolves slowly and leaves rust-colored particles, the object is probably 2 karats lower than the testing solution. Proceed to the next step if the scratch is still totally intact.
- 5). Remove the 22K acid solution from test kit, and follow the same process. If the streak dissolves slowly and leaves rust-colored particles, the object is probably 2 karats lower than the testing solution.