Starcraft II Strategies - Practice Your Micro Abilities
StarCraft II is a game of strategy and dexterity.
There are a few quick tips and strategies all new players should learn.
Without these simple game techniques, you will be stuck in the bronze and silver league.
Learn to Micro - Control your units so that no worker is just sitting around.
Make sure they are always gathering, building, or on their way to a new build site.
In the beginning of the game micro your scout efficiently so you never slow down your resource flow.
A good scout is not wasted if you can demonstrate your micro abilities.
Disrupt your opponents resource flow or start a mini base near the opponent.
Below are some things to keep in mind while in battle: 1.
Never stop building workers.
A solid economy is established by many workers at maximum efficiency.
The more probes, scvs, or drones you have, the more you can do.
Remember multiple workers can be building if you need to get buildings constructed quickly.
Expand - Use extra workers to start supply depots, pylons, or creep colonies where you plan to start your next base.
Multiple bases allow the player to gain access to multiple vespene geysers.
More bases can allow you to multiply your resource supply, propelling you into the next phase.
Watch your units when they are sent to battle.
Surround the opponent to gain advantages.
Memorize Unit strengths and weaknesses: If you know what unit to send in a counter attack, you will find yourself winning many more battles.
Keep all these tips in mind when you are playing ladder games.
Practice new strategies in co-op mode or against computer players.
You can test your new build orders without losing ranked games!
There are a few quick tips and strategies all new players should learn.
Without these simple game techniques, you will be stuck in the bronze and silver league.
Learn to Micro - Control your units so that no worker is just sitting around.
Make sure they are always gathering, building, or on their way to a new build site.
In the beginning of the game micro your scout efficiently so you never slow down your resource flow.
A good scout is not wasted if you can demonstrate your micro abilities.
Disrupt your opponents resource flow or start a mini base near the opponent.
Below are some things to keep in mind while in battle: 1.
Never stop building workers.
A solid economy is established by many workers at maximum efficiency.
The more probes, scvs, or drones you have, the more you can do.
Remember multiple workers can be building if you need to get buildings constructed quickly.
Expand - Use extra workers to start supply depots, pylons, or creep colonies where you plan to start your next base.
Multiple bases allow the player to gain access to multiple vespene geysers.
More bases can allow you to multiply your resource supply, propelling you into the next phase.
Watch your units when they are sent to battle.
Surround the opponent to gain advantages.
Memorize Unit strengths and weaknesses: If you know what unit to send in a counter attack, you will find yourself winning many more battles.
Keep all these tips in mind when you are playing ladder games.
Practice new strategies in co-op mode or against computer players.
You can test your new build orders without losing ranked games!