How to Make Wedding Garland
- 1). Take two pieces of the greenery and put them on the table in a line. Then, secure the middles of the pieces greenery together with floral wire. By doing this, you will create a the garland. To secure the wire, hold the live greenery pieces together, and take the long piece of floral wire and secure it around the ends of the greenery. Leave several inches of wire after securing the wire. Cut the floral wire. The extra wire on the garland can be used to secure extra flowers, baby's breath, and netting. Add more pieces of the live greenery for longer or fuller garland.
- 2). Take small bunches of baby's breath and place them along the live greenery. Use the floral wire to secure them. Hot glue, if necessary, for extra security.
- 3). Cut squares netting and bunch them together in your hand, making a circle of bunched netting. Gather the ends of netting and secure them on top of the garland, with wire, to form a pouch. Use floral wire to tie off to the wiring on the live greenery.
- 4). Take one carnation and one rose at a time and hot glue them to the floral wire. The best place to put the flowers is against the baby's breath and netting. The baby's breath will fluff out around the flowers. If the baby's breath doesn't, use your fingers to fluff it out around the rose and carnation. Repeat this process along the live greenery.
- 5). Use the floral wire to make a loop and then tie it off, leaving a couple of inches at the end of the loop. Attach the loop behind the wedding garland. To do this, use the extra couple of inches of wire to make a knot around the floral wire on the back end of the garland. Leave the loop in a position so that it can be hung. Use the hot glue gun after tying off the wire, for extra strength.