Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

3.5 Diskette Crafts

    Pen/Pencil Holder

    • Using five 3.5-inch floppy disks, a drill (with a 5/32-inch drill bit), zip ties and a pair of scissors, you can make a fun pen/pencil holder. You can also piece the holder together with glue if you don't want to wield a drill. Add a plastic insert and it turns into a planter.


    • By using the diskette's perfectly placed holes, you can make a unique, colorful notepad fast and easily. Simply cut paper to size and punch holes in the proper place and you can connect everything with binder clip rings, zip ties or even paper clips.


    • Make some cute, simple, unusual earrings with the metal centers of floppy disks. You will need a couple disks, small round jump rings,V rings or larger, round jump rings and fishhook earring wires in addition to a pair of needle-nosed pliers.

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