Government Grants for Education in Tennessee
- The Tennessee Hope Scholarship distributes $4,000 to students at senior and junior colleges that offer housing facilities. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify. FAFSA is a collection of data that the U.S. Department of Education uses to determine if students are eligible for financial aid. Grant providers use the data to determine if students are eligible for grants as well.
- The Tennessee HOPE Access Grant awards $2,750 to students attending four-year colleges and $1,750 to students attending junior colleges. This grant is awarded based on merit and income. Students must achieve between 2.7 and 2.99 grade-point averages and earn less than $36,000 dollars to become eligible for the awards. In addition, students are advised to speak with financial aid officers, as there are additional factors that may affect eligibility.
- The Tennessee Student Assistance Award Program is a need-based grant for residents of Tennessee. Funds are limited, so students should apply early. Students must complete the FAFSA and have expected family contributions of not more than $2,100. Award amounts vary and are determined by the colleges and the Tennessee Student Assistance Award Board. Funds are available to students until they complete their coursework.
- Students who have been awarded an Iraq Campaign Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal or Global War on Expeditionary Medal are eligible for Helping Heroes Grants. The grant is awarded to students who are Tennessee residents and have received an honorable discharge from the armed services. As such, the grant is neither income- nor merit-based. Full-time students are eligible for $1,000 for each semester and part-time students are eligible for $500 for each semester.
- Dual Enrollment Grants are awarded to high school students who intend to pursue a college education, have selected a college and have been admitted; only high school juniors and seniors can apply for the grants. While the maximum amount is $600 for the academic year, colleges will actually determine the actual amount for which students will be eligible.