Health & Medical Hearing

Buzzing Ears - What is Causing It?

A lot of people suffer from buzzing and ringing ears.
A lot of time this is caused by a condition known as tinnitus.
Tinnitus itself is also a symptom of some other underlying condition - usually from stress, ear infections, or any other number of health related issues.
Buzzing and ringing ears is usually a sign that something is out of whack in the hearing mechanisms within your ears.
As mentioned earlier, this can be due to several factors.
Stress is a huge factor in buzzing ear related problems.
Stress has been proven to be a major factor in the onset of tinnitus.
High blood pressure also causes tinnitus symptoms.
When you have high blood pressure, pressure builds in your inner ear.
The result is the buzzing sound you hear in your ear.
Poor blood circulation causes tinnitus also.
Your inner ear has a lot of different parts that work together with each other.
If blood can't get to each of those parts, the result could be tinnitus.
Past ear infections could have left a lasting injury to your inner ear.
A lot of times, people who suffer from chronic ear infections end up developing tinnitus later in life.
When part of the ear is out of sync, all of your hearing is a little messed up.
Sinus problems also cause tinnitus.
Luckily for sinus sufferers, this tinnitus is usually temporary.
Most of the time the temporary tinnitus you experience while having sinus problems goes away as the sinus problems diminish.
AS you can see, there are a lot of different factors that could cause your buzzing ears.
Luckily, this isn't a life threatening illness.
But, it is a very annoying one to have.
I hope this has enlightened you to the various causes of tinnitus.

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