5 Foods You Must Avoid If You Want to Burn Belly Fat and Sculpt Your Six Pack Abs
If you want to build your six pack abs then there are certain foods which you should avoid altogether or at very least keep them to a minimum.
The 5 foods below are some of the worst foods that you can consume, instead of you losing weight and belly fat these foods will just pile more weight on you so avoid these foods as much as you can.
Salad dressings/sauces These are full of terrible fats but the funny thing is, they are often advertised as healthy.
They contain corn syrup which is full of very bad fats and sugars and should be avoided at all costs.
There are very few healthy alternatives to choose from so consider making your own healthy versions from home.
juices The only type of juices you should drink are freshly squeezed which you make yourself.
Dont't even believe all the rubbish that labels say that they are freshly squeezed because they're not.
They are pack full of chemicals and sugars.
If you have a machine at home then by all means make orange juice yourself but avoid all the other types of juices from stores and supermarkets, they will only pack more fat on you.
butters Butters and margarines are packed full of saturated fat and should be avoided if you are trying to lose belly fat.
There are some butters which are actually full of many good fats but 99.
9% of them should always be avoided.
The faster you get used to removing this food from your eating plan then the faster you will lose your belly fat and see your six pack abs.
breads Breads are actually one of the main reasons why so many people struggle to get rid of stubborn belly fat.
Bread is full of wheat and just puts more fat on your belly rather than burning it off.
If your going to have bread occasionally then have brown bread, that is the lesser of the 2 evils but even with brown bread you don't want to have too much of it because it won't do you any favours with losing belly fat.
fast food/take outs The famous fast food and take outs.
As you probably know you should be keeping these down to a minimum because these are one of the worst things you can possibly eat if you want to burn fat.
Most of fast food is processed and made in trans fat oils which is full of saturated fats.
We all eat out and that's fine but do it in moderation and don't eat out too often.
Remember the best foods to eat are fresh foods, meats, fruit and veg.
By following a fresh food eating plan you will start to burn off belly fat and seeing your six pack abs come through in no time.
The 5 foods below are some of the worst foods that you can consume, instead of you losing weight and belly fat these foods will just pile more weight on you so avoid these foods as much as you can.
Salad dressings/sauces These are full of terrible fats but the funny thing is, they are often advertised as healthy.
They contain corn syrup which is full of very bad fats and sugars and should be avoided at all costs.
There are very few healthy alternatives to choose from so consider making your own healthy versions from home.
juices The only type of juices you should drink are freshly squeezed which you make yourself.
Dont't even believe all the rubbish that labels say that they are freshly squeezed because they're not.
They are pack full of chemicals and sugars.
If you have a machine at home then by all means make orange juice yourself but avoid all the other types of juices from stores and supermarkets, they will only pack more fat on you.
butters Butters and margarines are packed full of saturated fat and should be avoided if you are trying to lose belly fat.
There are some butters which are actually full of many good fats but 99.
9% of them should always be avoided.
The faster you get used to removing this food from your eating plan then the faster you will lose your belly fat and see your six pack abs.
breads Breads are actually one of the main reasons why so many people struggle to get rid of stubborn belly fat.
Bread is full of wheat and just puts more fat on your belly rather than burning it off.
If your going to have bread occasionally then have brown bread, that is the lesser of the 2 evils but even with brown bread you don't want to have too much of it because it won't do you any favours with losing belly fat.
fast food/take outs The famous fast food and take outs.
As you probably know you should be keeping these down to a minimum because these are one of the worst things you can possibly eat if you want to burn fat.
Most of fast food is processed and made in trans fat oils which is full of saturated fats.
We all eat out and that's fine but do it in moderation and don't eat out too often.
Remember the best foods to eat are fresh foods, meats, fruit and veg.
By following a fresh food eating plan you will start to burn off belly fat and seeing your six pack abs come through in no time.