Family & Relationships Conflict

Breakup Advice - The Real Reason You Struggle to Get Over Your Ex and 3 Steps to Help You Move on

Breakups are always hard no matter what, but wouldn't it be nice to know the real reason you are struggling so much to get over your ex boyfriend.
When you break up with your ex it comes completely out of the blue.
One moment the two of you are happy together.
You are thinking about your future with him and you know for certain you love him despite all of his flaws.
Then suddenly out the of the blue he breaks up with it.
This can be incredibly painful and heartbreaking.
There doesn't seem to be any release from the hurt and youcan't stop crying every time you think about him.
Why is it so hard for you to move on and forget your ex even though you desperately want to? The real reason you are struggling to get over your ex boyfriend is that you are emotionally invested in him.
It doesn't matter what you think is the right thing to do.
You feeling s are controlling your decisions and actions right now.
The only real way to get over your ex boyfriend is by moving on at an emotional level.
It is impossible to convince yourself logically that you are lucky to get rid of him.
This is easier said than done.
The key is to follow these 3 steps.
You need to be decisive 2.
You need to be brave 3.
You need to have a definite plan of action to follow or you are wasting your time

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