Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Resume 101 - Will a Professional Resume Writer Help Get Me Hired?

Only you can prevent a silent phone for months on end.
 Only you can prevent a generic work history that will not get you the interviews you need.
 Cover letters are equally important because great ones do open doors of opportunity you never dreamed of.
 Unfortunately, today we still have a serious resume quality challenge.
 More accurately it is a deficiency in proper English writing and marketing skills.
 In the real world 92% of all resumes and cover letters are bottom to middle of the stack quality.
 They just do not get the job done.
  As a hiring manager and a recruiter, I witnessed this over and over, every day.
 I quickly came to the realization that 92% of folks just don't know their resume is either mediocre or far worse.
 Why you ask? Simple, all of us are far too emotionally attached to our own writing.
The bottom line is a resume writer has the experience and professional skills to make sure your job search is over in half the normal time.
 Every week you are unemployed, another $500 to $1000 in take home pay lost minimum.
So if your normal job hunt length matches the average 3 months, the financial loss is $6,000 to $12,000.
By cutting your job search time by half, you save $3000 to $6000 dollars minimum.
 Now that is just an average.
  Once you consider the fact that your regular bills still keep coming in while you are unemployed you must consider the additional painful loss of your savings by the same $6,000 to $12,000.
 So by not withdrawing your savings to live on when you are unemployed you again would save a fortune.
 The total savings from cutting your job search in half would be $6000 to $12,000.
  A first rate professionally written resume and cover letters can change all that.
Even if you have already experienced financial loss, the bleeding can be stopped by getting you back to work ASAP.
The bottom line is, getting interviews is challenging for everyone.
The employers who do the recruiting and hiring rely on resumes and cover letters to weed out the less motivated, poorly qualified and less professional.
So naturally, it stands to reason if you want to dramatically improve your chances of getting hired, your resume must provide a positive first impression to employers.
Experienced Resume Writers are also expert problem solvers.
Should you have one of the many resume challenges like transitioning from the military to civilian life then don't even dream of writing your own resume.
The professionals have faced these challenges before.
They have researched them, trained for them and solved them.
The pros also know how to make sure your resume shows up in searches from resume databases by employers and recruiters.
 So, take advantage of the real expertise that is out there.
Remember resume and cover letter writing fees are generally affordable and usually tax deductible as a job hunting expense.
  If you are not getting enough interviews, 92% of the time it is your resume's fault.
You can have all the skills, talents and abilities in the world but if you don't get enough interviews you are stuck in a rut.
Now honestly when you compare the average cost of a great resume at $150 to the cost of your lost wages for 3 months, hiring a pro to write your resume and cover letter is common sense.
So do hire a pro at the outset, instead of waiting 3 months to find out your resume and cover letters are not working.
Time is money.
 Finally, if you can't interview with your resume writer by phone, pick a more professional outfit, this is one time you want the best not the least expensive.

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