Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Lifestyle of Your Organization

Do you ever walk with your head faced down? You might have been just absorbed by a profound thought.
Or there might have been another reason why you have missed the opportunity to observe the person that had just passed.
Remarkably dressed.
What a style! But you were just preparing for that interview.
A company has invited you to explain about the method you have just implemented.
You need to get back soon, because you have more meetings and at three o'clock you have this important presentation.
You have reached the company.
You present yourself at the reception.
They are waiting for you and you join someone to the third floor.
In the mean time you observe this new building.
The people (talking), coffee cups spread over tables.
You also observe the bulletin board.
A poster with formal training announced on the left.
A post-it with "room needed in the center of town.
" And there is a magazine communicating the company "behind the screens.
" The session is very fruitful.
They appreciated your presentation and there was a lot of dialogue afterwards.
It was not only about this new method but also about the background of both companies.
"How do you handle this kind of issues?" After the interview you go back and you compare the situation at your organization.
You think about the style.
"What is the way in which we do things over here," you figure.
You attend a meeting.
It is very well organized.
It ends exactly at eleven.
"I'm going to my next meeting," you hear.
In the afternoon there is a decision to be taken.
It is a crucial one and open for a few weeks.
"Today is the big day.
All the preparations are set.
The information is there.
" After lunch, which you have spent with your colleagues in the canteen, you go back to work.
You remember to prepare for your presentation at three.
In the end people enter your office so you get completely hooked up before three and in the mean time, you think, "well, whatever, I know the story.
" At three the meeting room is filled with visitors.
They are interested in buying the application.
The project with the last enhancements had previously finished.
"A work of art," you agree.
And then, on your way back home you think again about the presentation.
About your team having presented the new product.
"Indeed there are familiar products like this one," you know, "but this one has our style in it; unique.
" Just come to life! © 2006 Hans Bool

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