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GED Requirements in Tennessee


    • GED Test takers must be 18 years old and not in possession of a high school diploma. Applicants who are 17 years old may also take the test, as long as they are not currently pursuing a high school diploma or another equivalency program, and have permission of their school system's superintendent.

    Preparation and Assistance

    • A course in computers is offered, in addition to GED prep image by blaine stiger from

      The GED consists of five sections: social studies, science, math, writing, and reading. Any or all these subjects may present difficulty, especially if you have not been in a school environment for a prolonged period of time. GED prep classes are offered in various Tennessee locations, as well as assistance with math, literacy, and computer usage. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) course are available as well. These course are free of charge. Contact the Department of Labor and Workforce Development's Adult Education division.

      Department of Labor and Workforce Development Adult Education Department
      220 French Landing Drive
      Nashville, TN 37243
      (615) 741-7054
      (800) 531-1515

    Fees/ID Requirements

    • A passort is an acceptable form of identification for GED Test passport image by Albert Lozano from

      The GED Test prep courses are free, but the test itself is not. As of 2010, the cost is no more than $65, though fees fluctuate throughout the state. For those who fail the test, it may be retaken twice more in the same year. On test day, you must have government-issued identification. Acceptable forms include a driver's license, military identification, or a current passport. It is important the ID clearly display your name, birth date, residence information, and a discernible photo.

    Score Requirements

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