Three Excuses Couples Make in Preparing For Childbirth
There's no doubt that you live a busy life.
But when it comes to preparing for the birth of your baby you need to devote time in learning how to prepare for it.
Like buying a house or car, many people spend hours shopping for the best deal.
When it comes to childbirth though expectant couples find all kinds of excuses to avoid, miss, or wait to the last minute to take childbirth classes.
Here are three main excuses why childbirth education is put on the "back burner".
No time.
This is a popular one.
However, if there's something you really want to do, you'll find the time to do it.
When it comes to planning a family though (one major life changing event) expectant parents opt for the childbirth "crash" class which provides about eight hours of learning how to bring a new human being into the world and how to manage the experience.
It takes four years or longer to get a college degree.
Too tired.
Life is stressful.
Many people commute to work and this adds to a long work day for sure.
When it comes to pregnancy, labor, and birth feeling tired is expected.
Yet, it shouldn't keep you from learning all you can to prepare for it.
Having a baby is a big deal.
It's time consuming (for life) and requires lots of patience, tired or not.
Childbirth Classes don't fit into "plans" during the day, week, or month.
Well, the challenging news here is - neither will baby! When it comes to having a baby learn all you can on how to prepare for the birth and how to care for your baby.
Going to childbirth classes is just the beginning of parenting.
You are taking the first steps in making decisions about your birth experience that will not only last a lifetime, but will strengthen your initial skills in morphing into a parent.
But when it comes to preparing for the birth of your baby you need to devote time in learning how to prepare for it.
Like buying a house or car, many people spend hours shopping for the best deal.
When it comes to childbirth though expectant couples find all kinds of excuses to avoid, miss, or wait to the last minute to take childbirth classes.
Here are three main excuses why childbirth education is put on the "back burner".
No time.
This is a popular one.
However, if there's something you really want to do, you'll find the time to do it.
When it comes to planning a family though (one major life changing event) expectant parents opt for the childbirth "crash" class which provides about eight hours of learning how to bring a new human being into the world and how to manage the experience.
It takes four years or longer to get a college degree.
Too tired.
Life is stressful.
Many people commute to work and this adds to a long work day for sure.
When it comes to pregnancy, labor, and birth feeling tired is expected.
Yet, it shouldn't keep you from learning all you can to prepare for it.
Having a baby is a big deal.
It's time consuming (for life) and requires lots of patience, tired or not.
Childbirth Classes don't fit into "plans" during the day, week, or month.
Well, the challenging news here is - neither will baby! When it comes to having a baby learn all you can on how to prepare for the birth and how to care for your baby.
Going to childbirth classes is just the beginning of parenting.
You are taking the first steps in making decisions about your birth experience that will not only last a lifetime, but will strengthen your initial skills in morphing into a parent.