Business & Finance Social Media

Social Bookmarking And Web 2.0 Are Here To Stay?

Internet marketing is a very fascinating field.
The more I read and study the more fascinated I become.
The terms social book marking and web 2.
0 seem to be hot topics and the internet marketing world is filled with the terms.
In researching social bookmarking and web 2.
0, there are not many all inclusive sources that I could find to learn about these terms in one place.
If you Google the terms, there is no shortage of programs for sale including videos and e-books on them.
There are the usual gurus who will take you by the hand and help you make fortunes using their programs.
The problem is they cost a lot of money over time and the learning curve is a lot steeper than it would appear to be when you read the squeeze pages introducing you to their products.
So the quest continues to learn more about the new internet.
I am a little concerned that web 3.
0 will be here before I master web 2.
I also may go bankrupt before I learn it all.
The most important thing I have learned is that nothing happens overnight or in 15 minutes as many of the gurus tell you.
I am still looking for a resource for people like me who want to learn as much as they can in one place.
There is no doubt that work is required to master a knowledge of the internet marketing field and succeed in online business.
You can read here some of what I have found on web 2.
0 and social book marking at my website.

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