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Golf Swing Tips - Helping Your Golf Game

Maintaining a good golf swing is a never ending endeavor in each golfer's life.
Even if you have a fairly good golf swing there are times when parts of your swing break down.
Why this happens is a much thought over and discussed subject.
When this happens you will find your self analyzing all the parts of your swing that take place before the club impacts the ball.
When things go wrong with your golf swing you most assuredly start looking for good a golf swing tip to correct your problem.
Every good golf swing starts with a good address and setup procedure.
However a good golf swing tip is to look at how and where you end your golf swing.
The end of your golf swing will in many times tell you how well you preformed the basic parts of the swing prior to that point.
Knowing what a good finish looks and fells like will give you the feedback and muscle memory to make a good golf swing.
The end of a good golf swing follow through should find your hands over your left shoulder and left of your head.
This tells you that your arms have swung freely through impact on a path and plane that is relatively straight.
Probably even more important is the after swing weight distribution.
As you complete your golf swing rotation into your follow through, you should feel that about 80 to 90 percent of your weight should be on the outside of your front foot.
Conversely only 10 percent will be on your back foot as you raise onto its toe.
All of this movement must be conducted with good balance to the point that you should be able to raise your back foot without falling over.
Without good balance you cannot really achieve a good golf swing.
Another tip is to check your swing rotation.
Proper golf swing rotation will end with your belly button and your sternum pointing at the target.
This tells you that you have rotated you hips correctly.
If you are not making it around for full rotation you probably slid your hips toward the target instead of rotating them.
Another key indicator of proper rotation is that your front or left hip will be higher than the right or back hip.
As a result your body will have noticeable tilt to the right.
This means your back is on the same straight angle it was on during your take away and point of impact.
All of which are good indicators.
The end of a good golf swing can in many cases tell you what you are doing well and what you are not.
A proper analysis of the end of your follow through will provide you with a good golf swing tip to correct any possible problems.

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