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How to Carve Stone Birdbaths

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      blaumeise image by Kerry from Fotolia.com

      Make sure the chosen stone has no weak points in it such as veins or metal deposits because this can cause the stone to break while it is being worked on.

    • 2). Visualize the final product and sketch out a diagram showing what the finished birdbath should look like upon completion.

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      sparrow image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.com

      Put on the goggles first, then use the grinder to cut grooves into the stone, alternating diagonally and horizontally to develop the desired basic shape. This can also be done with a hammer and a chisel if constructing a smaller variety. Be sure to take safety precautions and wear construction gloves.

    • 4). Use a chisel to smooth the areas in between grooves by rotating it in a circular motion and breaking loose any upraised pieces of stone. Use a hammer when necessary. Continue working into the stone this way until the desired depth at the bottom is reached. the bath should vary in depth between 1/2 inch and 3 inches.

    • 5). Smooth out the final shape with a stone file.

    • 6). Polish with a buffer and then place the birdbath on a pedestal or in the desired location within the garden and fill with water.

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