Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

The Best 7 Personality Traits That Women Desire in Men and How You Can Develop Them

Women love a guy with a great personality.  They think that if they can get his attention and interest, they are pretty lucky.  They are absolutely drawn in by this man's unique personality.

Here's a list of those traits and some tips to go with them for you.  Do a personality refit with these.

1.  Be confident.  Women love confidence in a man.  If he's self-assured about who he is and what he is doing, this is particularly attractive to a lot of the younger, career-minded women. 

2.  Make yourself the center of attention.  Make sure that when you talk, that you have an exciting and/or humorous story to tell.  Tell it to the whole group and watch how the women are drawn in by your story.

3.  Take time to walk away from a woman.  If you want to build attraction use the very simple technique and make it a part of your personality.  When you've met a woman in a social setting, talk with her for a few minutes, then let her know that you must leave.  This will make her wonder about whether or not you are attracted to her.  She'll work harder for your attention.

4.  Chat with other women.  The next time you're at some sort of social occasion make sure you talk with different groups of women.  There will be a few who begin to compete for your attention.  It's a competitiveness that works very well for you in this situation.

5.  Keep the conversation light.  Keep the conversation away from family, work, or other deeper subjects.    Let her do most of the talking.  Flirt heavily during this time; have fun.  This will drive her crazy with desire.

6.  Be strong.   Make sure that when you're talking with her that you always look her in the eye and maintain a long gaze with her.  Delay any physical contact.  She'll wonder if you want to be around her.

7.  Be challenging.  Hold back on your attraction to her.  Make her feel like she MUST do something to attract you.  You will have her eating out of you hand.

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