Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes? All About It

The first noticeable consequence of the diabetes onset comes in the shape of signs of diabetes.
The most notable and early signs of diabetes are
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
  • Unexplained weight loss
Now the newly diagnosed diabetic or those who are at an increased risk of catching diabetes may think that frequent urination is a vague term.
So for those diabetics I would like to explain that urinating as early as once or twice in every hour and waking up in the middle of the night for urinating comes under the head of "Frequent Urination".
The diabetics have an increased tendency of losing weight as they lose their glucose via urine; the same glucose is used in non diabetics for the production of energy.
The diabetics then have to use the store of accumulated fats so they can perform their daily functions without feeling tired or exhausted.
Treatment of Diabetes: Next important query of diabetics is that why is it important to enter into the treatment of diabetes.
The answer is that controlled levels of blood glucose help the diabetics to stay away from diabetic complications.
The short term complications of diabetes are recurrent infections of the urinary tract and the tingling sensations in hand and feet.
The vision of newly diagnosed diabetics is also affected because of the excessive glucose in the bloodstream may get released into the eyes.
Diabetic men also suffer from impotency where as diabetic women may suffer from menstrual periods ir-regulations.
The good thing about diabetes however is that once the disease is diagnosed it can be easily controlled with the help of diet and slight modification in lifestyle.
The most important change that comes in the life routine of diabetics is that they have to take full control of the blood glucose level.
The diabetics have to monitor their blood sugar by checking with the help of a glucometer and a sample of blood.
This involves pricking finger to get the smallest possible blood sample.
The blood drop is then placed on the testing strip, which then is inserted in a handy instrument termed glucometer.
Many diabetics especially children consider this the most difficult part of diabetes diagnosis.
As the years passes by the finger tips also become painful because of the repeated testing.

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