Health & Medical Anxiety

3 Simple Tips to Ease Panic Attacks

If you have ever had a panic attack you know that they can be a horrible experience.
You might feel dizziness, a tightness in your throat, find yourself overcome with unwanted thoughts, experience frightening heart palpitations, tremble and shake or any number of other symptoms.
No doubt if you have had a panic attack you want to find out how to keep from having another.
Here are 3 simple tips that you can implement today that can help to ease - or even eliminate - panic attacks and help you to cope with feelings of anxiety.
Get Plenty of Sleep
When we sleep our bodies rejuvenate and restore themselves.
When you deny your body the rest that it needs stress builds up and this excess stress can leave you more prone to panic attacks.
If you have trouble sleeping try listening to relaxing music or putting the scent of lavender in your room to help you get to sleep naturally.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise helps burn off stress and anxiety and can distract you from thinking thoughts that you don't want to think.
Regular exercise can help you get your mind back to thinking clearly and can also greatly improve your mood, both of which can help you cope more effectively with panic or anxiety.
Focus on Being Positive
Negative thoughts are one of the leading contributors to increased stress and anxiety.
When left unchecked they can spiral out of control and eventually even lead to panic attacks.
One way to ease the symptoms of panic attacks or even eliminate them altogether is to shift your negative thought patterns and learn to adopt a new, more positive outlook on life.
Start paying attention to what you are thinking and see how often your thoughts are negative.
A good way to tell is that if you are feeling a bad or negative emotion such as anger, sadness, fear, or jealousy what you are thinking about is probably negative.
Identify what it is that you are thinking, and then ask yourself what you would like instead and focus on that.
Do this as often as you can and before long your thoughts will begin to shift from being predominantly negative to predominantly positive and your anxiety and stress levels will decrease.

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