Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

The Sonoma Diet - The Sunny Side Of Dieting

Ever heard of the Sonoma Diet? If that's a yes then you get a big pat on the back, if not then don't worry, you haven't been left behind, it's just that the Sonoma Diet likes to stay low key.
Unlike Atkins or the weird and wonderful diets of celebrities, the Sonoma Diet has been left in the dark to a large extent, and never given the opportunity to shine, so I thought I'd write a bit about it, and help it along the way.
First for the boring stuff; it's been fairly commercially successful, won some awards, low calorie, and invented by Dr.
Connie Gutterson.
Alright, done with that, now I'll tell you how it's going to help you shed those pounds.
I first heard about this diet some time ago, not paying much attention to it and assuming it to just be another 'diet of the moment', conjured up by another crazy doctor, probably related to Atkins himself, and designed to give its users a plethora of unwanted health problems.
But a couple of months ago I was checking my email and there was something with the subject, "Drink Wine & Lose Weight".
My eyes widened and without thinking that message was open.
I mean there have been some pretty crazy diet plans before, but if this promise was true, just think of the possibilities! And as if sipping top quality French Cabernet Sauvignon (a personal favourite) wasn't good enough, the message went on to tell me that I could also dine on fine Mediterranean food.
The sweet images of holidays in Spain filled my mind.
Now for a bit of bad news.
I did some more research on the Sonoma Diet, and found out that Mediterranean is taken a bit too literally.
"How?" you may ask.
When I have a Mediterranean style meal, let's take red mullet for example, I want a nice wholesome serving, to fill me up.
However, according to my research, this isn't how they do it in Spain, they like small portions.
This is how the Sonoma Diet works.
Another little issue I have with it, although clearly not as pressing as small meals, is that the diet plan doesn't give clear advice about how to exercise while on the diet, or if it's necessary at all.
This is left up to you, but it shouldn't really be a problem, as exercise is the same with pretty much all low calorie diet plans, so just find a simple exercise plan and run with it.
Despite my minor hang-ups about the diet, I do recommend it.
It's well structured, and very simply structured, making it impossible to slide off track, and the final stage is maintenance, so you really will be able to keep the weight off.
That's something I don't like about other diets; you reach your target weight and then it leaves you hanging, this has a getaway plan.
On balance, the problems with the Sonoma Diet don't even come close to outweighing the benefits.
If you'd like to drink great wine and relive holidays in the Mediterranean, or just pretend you are for those who've never been, the Sonoma Diet is an excellent diet to follow.
Just don't drink too much wine.

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