Health & Medical Acne

Does Stress Cause Acne? WARNING! You May Be Causing Your Skin to Break Out FAST!

Does stress cause acne? Is worrying, fretting or just generally being anxious actually BAD for your skin? Can a calm, balanced and more harmonious outlook on life actually make your skin MORE beautiful..
even if you do nothing else at all? If you are anything like the vast majority of people who enjoy our articles on health, beauty and advanced skin care solutions specifically, the simple truth is that you are probably interested in how your MIND..
and your body interact when it comes to looking your best.
And as it pertains to CLEAR skin..
there is no bigger (or more controversial) area of the mind/body connection that acne and stress! Here is what you NEED to know about your thoughts..
and your skin.
When you are stressed, your body produces adrenaline.
Adrenaline is a hormone..
which in excess, causes high anxiety, nervousness and excitement.
If your adrenaline levels become "out of wack"..
it actually eats away at the nutrients that are stored in your cells to protect your body from dis-ease.
The first organ to be affected by a lack of nutrients? You got it..
your SKIN..
:-) Stress also slows down the healing process in the body..
making any breakouts or "defects" in the skin slower and more time resistant to improvement.
AND, even MORE important..
Most significantly, stress causes your adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol.
Too much cortisol (which is a steroid) makes your senaceous glands overproduce oil..
making your skin more oily, and as a byproduct, more likely to break out! Okay..
so there you have it..
STRESS and acne, the REAL truth.
(and don't let anyone tell you otherwise...
because that's the truth, and we're on a MISSION to end the lies, nonsense and marketing myths once and for all!)

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